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Supercharge the Immune System

Cold and flu season has arrived. Family members and coworkers are beginning to cough and sneeze in unison. It’s just a matter of time before you join in the phlegmy chorus. However, there are ways to supercharge the immune system to help fight off viral and bacterial infections, and other annoying bugs. 

Home treatments and natural remedies can help boost the immune system during the season of colds, flu, and sniffles. 
Try a few of these natural ways to boost the immune system:
• Eat a well-balanced diet. Try a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. 
• Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated helps support the body’s defenses to function properly.
• Exercise. Moderate exercise can help maintain a healthy immune system. 
• Get plenty of sleep. If you get enough sleep, it will help your body fight off sickness. 
• Increase vitamins. Immune boosting vitamins are vitamins B6, C, and E. Some foods that are rich in these vitamins are eggs, bell peppers, spinach, and almonds.

So become a supercharged immune fighting machine by, exercising, getting plenty of sleep, and eating fruits and veggies. Your friends will be asking you why you never seem to get sick.